
Connecting To Your Pregnancy

Connecting To Your Pregnancy

April 22, 2019

You are pregnant. Perhaps you just found out and you are still reeling from the realization that life is being formed inside you…right now. You may not look different. Do you feel different? Having the knowledge that you are pregnant, and making the choice of what to do with your news is very personal. Will […]

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Stimulation vs. Overstimulation in Babies

Stimulation vs. Overstimulation in Babies

March 19, 2019

We live in a world that is very stimulating to the people who move through it. The way technology has developed, with the everyday use and dependence on smartphones, being stimulated is something we seek out hundreds of times each day. However, when a baby is born, stimulation is something that happens naturally by merely […]

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Beginning Positive Parenting

Beginning Positive Parenting

February 5, 2019

If you look in parenting groups, playgrounds, and twitter feeds, parenting is portrayed as a phase of life to survive or a time when people who live together seem to shuffle agony around and around until everyone is slamming doors, complaining about screen time, and tearfully looking for a shoulder to cry on. And that […]

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Should Your Partner Go To Ultrasound Appointments?

Should Your Partner Go To Ultrasound Appointments?

January 3, 2019

We are in a new world for partners and husbands. Until recently, men worried only about being in the waiting room to hear the announcement of their child’s birth and the well being of their spouse. Now, partners are expected to not only be in the birth room but be an active and knowledgeable support […]

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Organizational Tips For Preparing A Functional and Safe Nursery For Your Little One On The Way: A Guest Blog by Alyssa Colburn

Organizational Tips For Preparing A Functional and Safe Nursery For Your Little One On The Way: A Guest Blog by Alyssa Colburn

September 12, 2018

Becoming a parent for the first time or even adding to your family can be quite an overwhelming feeling, but it doesn’t need to be! Here are some simple ways to plan ahead and prepare a nursery that functions well and is safe for your baby, which will allow this time in your life to […]

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Travel With Your Baby: Some Helpful Tips

Travel With Your Baby: Some Helpful Tips

August 14, 2018

Traveling with littles is one of the things that instantly brings anxiety and the sweats. Or maybe that’s just me…What to pack? What not to pack? What about naps?!!! Well, for any first-time parents traveling with their little people please take a deep breath with me, and then take a few minutes to scan over the […]

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